Sunday, 10 October 2010

Formal Intervention

Another week at college over can't wait for the next session on Tuesday. I'll be doing lots of research over the next few days though. Today I was given my first full assignment for the course. It's a little daunting as I'm really not sure where to start. At the same time it's exciting and good to have something to get to work on. The idea is that we take a photograph that demonstrates an understanding of the formal qualities of a photograph. Within in our final image we are to place a person or object or implied presence in order to create a personal statement. I think first I should be thinking about the statement I wish to make  and then work out what best to use to make that statement and within what circumstance.
I have been looking at the work of other artists/photographers so far with little inspiration. I do like the work of Richard Estes, I love the photographic like quality of his paintings and the way he uses light reflections. I also like some of the still life work of Wolfgang Tillmans but I'm not sure this assignment is based on a still life image. My understanding is that it should be landscape or city scape. I can't wait to have our next seminar to get an understanding of what others feel is expected of us. In the mean time I shall continue to research the wider art world and other photographers to gain inspiration. As this is a black and white shoot I need to consider colour qualities of my chosen location and how they will reproduce in a black and white spectrum.

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